Internal Careers

Your Career in Recruiting and Staffing Starts Here

Changing Lives One Job at a Time

Working at our Employbridge headquarters or at any of our ResourceMFG branches means being part of an organization where people matter!

As staffing and recruiting professionals, we have the opportunity to change people’s lives one job at a time – helping each person succeed at work, provide for their family, save for college or buy a home. Our colleagues share a passion for making a difference in a culture where everyone is treated like family.

Limitless Room to Grow

Because we’re in the business of people, the development of our own colleagues – giving them the tools they need to succeed, prosper and grow with us – is a top priority. All new colleagues attend in-person training, learning our culture and values and getting to know our leadership. But that’s just the beginning!

There are endless opportunities for professional growth throughout every phase of your career – from robust online skills and development training through Employbridge University, LinkedIn Learning and Better Worklife Academy, to formal mentor programs, sales coaching and leadership development. Colleagues participate in regular career planning and feedback discussions with managers and are recognized for a job well done – not just for work performance but also for living the values Employbridge is founded on.

Quotes from Some of Our Colleagues

When you fill the space you’re in, there’s always room to grow.

We know there’s more to life than work, which is why we believe in putting family first – helping our colleagues to never miss the big moments.

We work every day to find great people great jobs.